Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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It's a file type invented by Apple -- m4a. You could probably play it on a Windows machine, but... too much effort.
'Twas recorded on my iPhone, so it would take a lot of wasted effort.

My suggestion is to give up, relax, and go pour yourself a nice cup of hot tea.
Too much effort, too much bullshit, yeah...
I'm no longer alone in the flat. We're celebrating by ignoring each other to read fanfic in the living room. With blankets. And the heatpump. Fuck it's cold.
I need sleep...

I just finished setting this up:

Yes, it's a Lego dance party in the castle I built. XDD

From bottom to top we have: a shark and a group of dancing skeletons, a king, some droids totally rocking out, a cop or two on the side, the main dance in pairs on the main floor with a jester and pirate guy playing the organ, Hagrid and some Hogwarts kids doing some weird dance thing, a conga line of clone troopers, an old guy fining some treasure (I have no idea why...), and a kid who snuck into the princess' room because either he or she wasn't invited to the party. I'm not sure which. All in my epic castle built on an island.


*yawn* G'night everyone.
Damn, you have awesome people. I have legos to fill a three ft by three ft by one ft box, but other than my pirates and old British soldiers, (epic Pirates of the Caribbean re-enactments are epic) I only have lame, nondescript people.
All of the Star Wars and half of the other people are my brother's... We seriously need to make a lego movie. XD
You should. I tried to make a thirty second pirate movie, but it was obliterated when my computer crashed back in '07.
Lebron quit Cleveland. I live in Cleveland. People are freaking out. There are literally riots.
Coughing. For some reason I just choked on my own saliva >./body>

You'll never guess where I'm going to next week. Anyways, I won't have my computer because we probably won't have WiFi. I'll have my phone, though, but not a lot of chances to use it.... Anyways, I'M GOING TO THE BEACH AND YOU ARE NOT. UNLESS YOU ARE. WHICH WOULD BE FREAKY COOL.
I am, but I don't want to...


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