Sister: (talking about my friend who is an Arab) Is he a forgeiner? His last name looks forgein. I don't like forgeiners.
Me: We're forgein...
Sister: No! We're Asian! That's not forgein!
Me: -headdesk-
And last night my dad told me who I can and can't trust. Apparently I can't trust any of my friends or anyone who isn't Chinese and originally from Hong Kong.
When we went back to Ohio. . . .x.x I found out my family is very racist. And they disliked homosexuals, and basically everything you can think of discriminating against. When we left, my mother and father were still . . . .talking/acting like that here, which . . .I'm still not used to that.
iPod: "I want your love and all your lover's revenge you and me could write a bad romance."
Me: (Jokingly, and after training him to say such.) "Do we use the objective case first person pronoun as the subject of a sentence, Dillon?"
Dillon: "No... It's 'you and I'."