Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm not sure... I agree with him about quite a few things, but he's also sort of "out there" on other topics.

Meh, it's probably because I'm not well-informed enough about some of the stuff he talks about.

I find him interesting, though, and there's tons of stuff on YouTube if you want to see.
Hey, look chapters!

With LampxPyro fluff, too ^^
You could prolly skip these two, though. And there'll be more with actual content in the morning. Just. . . .I think she'd have killed me if I didn't get these ones up.
No! Don't skip them. It's all lovely and very fluffy and stuff. Read them *nods*
^ This should be a warning enough for you. . . .
It's not a warning, tis an invitation. It's all lovely things. Don't let Lamp deter you!!

I has the Voldemort version of Single Ladies stuck in my head....
I'm so out of it today. Today in the shower I washed my hair with Clean and Clear acne scrub and my face with Suave.

Then I attempted to make chocolate chip cookies with my nephew. 'Hm... No chocolate chips? I'll just add oats. Yum. Oh... Batter's crumbly? How about another egg. Eh, sounds good enough.' They did not cook well, but my nephew still enjoyed them. >.>
It appalls me how stupid people can be.

Especially those in relation to me.

My younger sister: -Watching Everyone Hates Chris- -Turns to me excitedly- Hey Joyce, because this is a free country does that mean we can be racist?

Me: -Headdesk-



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