Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Ohhh... Weird. o.o
Yeah, and they were both hacker-ninjas. Very very creepy. >.>
Dude... Hacker's creep me out. It's awesome to have a hacker-ninja friend though, even though he moved to Nebraska. >.>
XD Yeah, he's nice to have around once in a while when you want free games for the Wii or you need someone to fix your computer, but other than that he was generally just annoying. >.>
I'm down two pounds from yesterday.

This is not good. o.o

I mean, for someone who has never weighed a difference of more than .5 pounds in a single day and has a history of trying to diet and end up being anorexic. Fuckity fuck. v.v I don't even feel hungry. Like, at all.
Just go vegan. You get skinny quick and you don't have to starve yourself, plus it's good for you and the environment! :D I've got to get back on that diet...
Well, the problem is that my dad is already low-carb, so if you put vegan on top of that then he'll notice something. If my dad finds out I want to lose weight, he'll take it upon himself to be my personal motivator and he hasn't commented on my weight in over a year, and I'd like to keep it that way.

And apparently I have no problem losing weight, I just want to be healthy, because people in my family easily end up being anorexic. (Thanks, Dad.) And I'm already healthy according to doctors and shit, I'd just rather be in the lower instead of the higher of the healthy range for people my height.

And eggs are fucking delicious.
XD I hear ya. Just going vegetarian can be unnoticeable if you're careful; most people actually forget that I am. XD So that and cutting down on the dairy products a little can help. And if you're in my family and have ADD, taking adderall makes you significantly less hungry, among other side effects... >.> Not that I'm suggesting you do that, of course. It would end badly if you didn't actually have ADD. XD
Yeah, but my mom would also explode if she had to make a low-carb, vegetarian dinner every night. XD
Yeah, that could be a problem... I'm sure you'll be fine. Just don't starve yourself. Anorexic is not healthy. >.>
I probably will, I just got on the scale expecting to have lost about a third of a pound and had lost two. And I was like O.O.

And no, it's not.
Freaking out because my great aunt (whose house I'm staying at right now) sells her own paintings in New Orleans for like a thousand dollars each and she really, really likes my art... :DD


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