Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Not a good day. >.>

Tomorrow I shall wear red lipstick though, and that makes everything better. :D
Wondering why I feel more tired when I get eight hours of sleep instead of six.

Really. I'm all energetic and easy to wake up when I get six-seven hours.

But when I get eight I'm all, "Baaaalllllsssss, I have to wake up..."

And I'm tired earlier too... My body confuses me.
Just finished a rather excellent series that actually pulled off the whole, "Save the world," crap.

Eat your shriveled up blackened heart out, Maximum Ride.
You can't just say that, man. What series?

Personally, I prefer Terminator. More badass. More swearing. Environmental message handled tastefully.

And instead of giggling when someone bites it... most people shed a tear when the T-800 dies in T2.
The Caretaker Trilogy by David Klass.

It has an invigorating plot, fairly awesome characters, and actually backs up it's information somewhat instead of just saying, "Global warming are bad!!!111" Pretty well written, too, if a bit oddly.

Not a masterpiece, partly because it has environmentalism in spades, but it's worth a read. Supported by Rick Riordan and Greenpeace, funnily enough.
I'm in a funky mood. v.v

I just wrote a huge rant to Meep about how I don't care if he's fucking going to camp and if he's not here for a week it would be kinda obvious to those who might care that he went /somewhere/. If he still felt the need to explain his absence, he could just write a damn blog, once again, for THOSE WHO CARE.

On second thought, perhaps I over-reacted.... >.>
Well I guess it kind of depends...

Did he make a big huge thread about it?

-Doesn't bother with MX anymore...-
He sent a message to his friends. If you don't care that much, Hannah, then why are you friends with him?
I'm not anymore.

EDIT: Ok, NOW I'm not anymore. Lols, darn button just wouldn't press.

And I don't care that much, that's my point. See? FUNKY MOOD.

Here's what I've gathered. There was some kind of thing going on; Meep was tormenting someone else. Random and some other people spoke out against him, and he threatened to remove himself from the site. They called it as a bluff, but he left.
Meep's vanished entirely from MDW. In his place is a profile labled "0evfbmpza8djv" which in itself doesn't have a page attached to it.
Did I miss something?


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