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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Van made that show. BJ was funny, but Van was the life of the party.

"Honey, why can't you wait 30 seconds?" "Why can't you cook?"
It never happened with me.

I don't think I've ever been in a fight with a friend before...
*headache* >.<

Also, reading Anthem. Which is a really interesting book.
Ayn Rand suuuucks. I think Anthem is the only thing of hers I managed to finish without attempting to light the book on fire or otherwise destroy it.
Ha, what about her don't you like?

It was recommended to me by one of my friends.
She was basically the living embodiment of, as far as I can remember, "fuck you, got mine". Still, escaped Soviet Russia and all.

...also avoid The Fountainhead unless you're required to read it. Who is John Galt? And why won't he shut his whore mouth?

Anthem is on a list of books that I'm required to choose two from and read for American Lit. I was told by my friend to read it and The Glass Castle. *shrugs* I know nothing about her nor about any of her other books.
Yeah vOv Also, her pet philosophy, objectivism, plays a big part in Bioshock. Which is a totally class game.

In which case, Anthem does have a virtue besides 'it's short': it's really easy to analyze >.> And when it comes to picking from lists... I hate it and you probably did get the best of a poor litter.
*nodnod* Which means the annotations I'm required to do come easily.

Well, there was some Kurt Vonnegut and Ray Bradbury on there, so I doubt it. >.> I didn't really put much thought into it, but eh.

Oh God. Vonnegut is pure hilarious, charming gold, and it was probably Fahrenheit 451 for Bradbury, which is awesome. >.> 20/20 hindsight...
I've read Fahrenheit 451 before, and thought it was meh, but that was probably because I was doing it for school. I didn't really want to do that again.

If I could manage to get to a bookstore sometime before this Sunday, I would do Cat's Cradle, as I don't think my brother would be very happy to find me scribbling all over his copy...
Wondering how girls put all that shit in their bras.

I mean that's just not... How can you DO that?

I mean okay, money I understand but your cellphone and wallet too?


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