Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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This discussion is so hot.
So's yer mum.
So's your face,

Well, your mum's a whore.
So's your face,

*Tries on shoes*

"Wow, Hannah, I like them. They really flatter your feet."

o.o The hell...? "Erm, how exactly does one flatter their feet?"

"You know, make them look... Like, pretty."

Great, nobody ever told me I have to have pretty feet too now. God, I've probably been walking around with ugly feet all these days and nobody told me!
XDDD Who said that?
My sister-in-law. Seriously freaked me out. o.o
"elastics"- rubber bands

^ It's not just me. I should move to Boston. People will stop making fun of me for saying that.
The rents just informed me that I'm leaving tomorrow. For a week.

This is the first time they've mentioned it.

And now I get kicked out of all my roleplays. What fun.

No Internet? And no time for preparations? Duuuude....


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