Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Read the first six chapters of Angel Experiment to my younger sister (she's nine). Some of the words and language were over her head, but she seemed to like the intensity, and the chapter length.

It was pretty funny, having to devise a charade to explain "asphyxiate" to a nine-year-old, but she got it.
You're adorable.
Looking at my book list for college.

Jesus H. Christ.
What's blaphemous, the price?
Yes. Yeesh.
Oh? Do tell.
:O Tis Talleh.

*Gone again*
Would have posted last night but my internet was off for some strange reason... Ugh, today is going to be chaotic. Mom has to go somewhere early this morning, which means Cody (If he can wake up in time) has to take me to registration at my high school an hour or two earlier than I'm supposed to be there because mine is at 2:30 and we have to leave for Georgia by 2:00.

And I haven't done any of my summer reading for AP Lang. and Comp... Shit.

Oh well. I'm reading Death Note (The BB Murder case) and the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series over the summer. And I'm going to a Green Day concert tonight. I wish Cody could come. :(
Also, I have pictures from Florida! Including the HP theme park! :D
I shall miss Ian. :/ Why does everyone have to go off to college?

Hannah: "No, I think that's in the Bible. 'Thou shalt not nom thy Lord'."

Anna: "What would God taste like?"

Ian: "Nomnomnom sparkles?"


Anna: "Facebook status..."

Ian: *punches Anna while driving* The boy has skill.
Tell me about it. I'm bored too.
We need to make community events.


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