Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Daylight savings time just started.

Really? :D

Not really. It meant my alarms woke me up at 6 instead of 7.

o.o Really? We don't have it for another week, I think. Which isn't that long, really, but anyway....
We've got like 6 months on daylight savings and 6 months not, or something ridiculous like that.
*nods* Same. First week of October, to first week of April.

I dunno, for some reason starting just a week earlier seems odd.... I'm not sure why, I think I'm just processing things oddly today.
I'm really pissed off right now. >_<'
Go on, rant a little.
Aw, hon, what happened?
v.v Just because my younger siblings are extremely annoying. Cody had to go home early today, and I was trying to give him a hug goodbye, and then I got attacked by my little brother, twice. The second time Cody left and I stomped up to my room. Before this, my sister was being her usual drama queen diva self who likes to hurt everyone, including pulling Cody's hair... He's usually okay with ignoring them, but it got bad enough today for him to get mad. >.<' They just really get on my last nerve, every single freaking day...
Aw just remember eventually they'll grow up and you'll miss that at least when they were little they were kind of cute when they got on your nerves.


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