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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*curiosity piqued*


What comic is that?

An MS Paint, probably from... oh god, whatever the hell 4chan's drugs board is called.
IN DESPERATE NEED OF TRUMPET PRACTICE...I'll be logging in and out for the next 45 minutes or so.

So I sat around all afternoon with a headache, and watched Stewart and Colbert for a while. Then I edited someone else's essay, even though I haven't edited mine.


And I'm so tired and I want to read The Man Who Was Thursday and I want my chem teacher to teach me something instead of uploading fucking podcasts and I want to be on the other side for the immigration debate and I don't want to do any work ever for the rest of the week so I can sleep and go to my hilariously awesome algebra class and that's it. And I want my dad to stop bumbling around the kitchen and cussing and dropping food on the floor and talking to my dog in a baby voice. And I want applesauce.



Finished writing/editing my memoir essay wherein I describe a younger self in third person as miniature and pudgy with a face like a garden gnome. 





I am so changing English classes during add/drop week, we have to write to analytical essays about Gattica and Minority Report (the film).

Sounds amazing...can you show it to us?


*wishes she got assigned essays and had an English teacher who allowed her to do that*

If you really want to see it, alright. xD Title help would be much appreciated, btw. Actually, any editing help at all.


You don't get assigned essays?


Ugh, don't even get me started on my English class. Our teacher is constantly lecturing us on the importance of passing the SAT in order to avoid ending up at Walmart...he's hilarious but we have a quiz every class based on SAT questions and we do all these worksheets and read ONLY the stories in the textbook. We got assigned essays at the beginning of the year...he handed me mine back with a "Rewrite this: very profound but any SAT judge would reject it immediately" at the top.


I don't want to mess with it much because I don't know what your teacher's looking for and it's mostly just style stuff I'd do differently...I generally describe things with a series of impressions and feelings instead of going into detail...One thing I'd recommend is use similes whenever possible to make descriptions more's easier to relate something to a thing we already know than to tell us about the thing itself...


As for titles...all mine are going to sound, A Midsummer's Brawl? (play off the Shakespeare Play) Attack Beneath the Crabapple Tree, Revenge of the Gnome, An Explosion of Water, Dewy Bullets...


Aw look you got me started Nice going.

What the eff? That's really strange. The only thing SAT-centric about our class is the vocabulary.

What's the title of your English class? Mine's American Lit, so that's what we study, but what's yours?


A description of a place with a story in the background. Or a description of a story with an important place (to us) in the background. It's not really an essay, per se, but the assignment name is "Essay of Place", so that's what I refer to it as...

Anyway, in regards to the imagery -- was it lacking? I can add more to the metaphorical aspect, but I'm not sure where, exactly.


:D I like the first. Thanks.

Well, I'm in 9th grade, so the only courses available to me are Advanced English 9 and...English 9. I'm in Advanced


it's up to you...I prefer metaphor to mere description but that's just me really

Do you think your teacher is a good teacher for an advanced class?

Maybe I'm not getting the right picture, but that doesn't sound like a good class at all...


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