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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Luck? *Is not familiar*

Oh wait I think I got it.

LaurenxPuck. I find their interactions endearing and hilarious, and I love Ashley Fink.
I wish they were singing a better song, tbh. The songs in this episode were all crap.



Got called a bitch today. Normally I'd be offended, but this was over academic coursework in English because I made a pretty poster. 


Just makes me want to fall over laughing. 


Silly boy. I made a flashy poster to make my work look a hell of a lot better and make it look as if I tried really hard. 

There's a new cycle of squees starting. One person just pointed out that "Fang+Max=Fax", cause they just realized it. Dear God.
Time to get out the old blog post?

Kurt says rage/confusion/hurt things. >.>


*didn't like this episode*

I think this weekend I'm going to write a comprehensive list of theories regarding questions at the end of ANGEL--my audio thing was more of a review than a Q/A. I just realized that it's still entirely possible for Jeb and Dr. Martinez to be on the good side, despite the evidence we saw in the last book.
Is ANGEL worth reading? Have any questions from StWaOES been resolved?
ANGEL is worth reading, but only because it makes life worse for all the characters, not for solving anything. This is a penultimate book in a series, after all. The answers should come at the end.

Can I read it without reading Fang, then?

A brief list of things you should know from FANG before reading ANGEL
1) Max slightly distrusts Angel.

2) Max doesn't trust Hans Gunther-Hagen.

3) Dylan is programmed to like Max and is defensive about her.

4) Fang left Max, leaving only a letter. Max is heartbroken.



Know those, and you'll be alright.


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