If they hate clones, pose them this question:
Two people exist with exactly the same DNA. They are the same age and are raised in different family situations. However, one is older than the other -- you might say that the younger is a clone of the older.
Is the younger person 'fake', like Maya and Dylan allegedly are?
'Course, the answer to this is that they're identical twins, living in different households. We consider them both human beings, so I don't see why we wouldn't consider clones human beings too.
There is nothing more difficult for me than to get rid of all those songs.
I mean I know I don't listen to them but... So hard. >.>
Posting pictures from Guys & Dolls on FB.
Today was the last show.
I don't know if I should be excited or depressed.
Bouncing on my exercise ball that serves as a desk chair, listening to Pandora at high volumes, doing chem work, and refreshing Tumblr every so often.
And feeling fine.
Gah, the number of references I've heard to the play today, that I have never heard before in my life...
Sorry. My local theatre finally finished the final performance of Guys & Dolls, and since then I keep hearing about the game of craps, crapshooters, and there's one line in the play that's "If you don't keep your word on this one, I'm gonna tell everyone in town you're a dirty welsher." I've never even heard that word before this play. <.>
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