Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Mine was in late April, so no clue what's up.


Maybe they all realized that the market is opening, and that it makes sense to sell now?

Prom dresses here sell year round. I have no idea why but you can get them all the time. 


Maybe for the dances? 


I mean middle schoolers are getting more and more ridiculous (three years ago I wore a skirt to sixth grade grad, my cousin wore a short prom dress that looked awkward on her 'cause she's 11. Which was the same dress my friend wore to our Ninth Grade Prom-thing) maybe they're selling it now because people are wearing those types of dresses to regular dances/formals?

We sell them year-round too, just.... It's "prom season" for us right now, haha.


And yes, probably what EndOf said.

Aye, our prom was in the middle of May.
I was thinking of getting a dress on Saturday... But our prom isn't until April 9th. It's the first time I'll ever go. :D

Why is NBC doing a freaking special a day on Charlie Sheen when halfway around the world mass genocide is taking place?

This is why other countries think we're stupid.

It's mainly because we're following it nearly religiously in my Humanities course, but I'd kind of prefer one of Charlie Sheen's drugged up rants right nao.
Ded of cute. We have a little week old calf. Her name is Cassie. She likes to suck on my fingers, and headbutt the back of my knees when I'm walking.
Oh my god. A calf. <3 They look so much less hyper than puppies.

Debate work for regionals.


Lol, we had this planned a month ago, not a day before the tournament. 


Thank god for Teacher's Convention. 

Holy crap.

A MDW squee, "max c. dunham" seems to have taken it upon herself to reply to every thread ever posted.


I'm enjoying following her and responding to each of her responses.

If you don't private browse can't you use your history?


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