Just downloaded a 46-song long soundtrack for a fanfiction. And fangirled.
I might be compiling a considerable little fanmix to accompany this goddamn gangland fanfic I seem to be writing.
The songs any good?
My mother heard me discussing February's ARG with my younger brother and suddenly got curious about what I've been doing online all this time.
So I gave her a brief tour of here and there, explaining my history on the sites. Now she thinks that I'm some kind of marketing genius.
...it's just organized social networking. I'm no Mark Zuckerberg.
My floating castle in Minecraft is now two stories tall and has waterfalls inside of it ending in a moat around the staircase.
I had a dream last night that my brother and sister were recruited into the Doomsday Group. I don't know why I wanted them back; it was so peaceful without them screaming and yelling at each other, but I guess the "always happy" thing was getting a bit creepy...
I've run into two such people like that.
If you think arguing with me about Angel in text is aggravating, I'm told that I'm more aggravating in person.
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