Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Not all of us. D:

The news teaches us to define a culture by its most radical sect...

Okay, that, coming from you, made me laugh. I congratulate you as AP stress means that this is the first time I've laughed (a real laugh) in an unusual amount of time.

fun. is coming to Denver.


I'll be at fucking camp. I'll be at camp when Mumford & Sons is here as well.



The thirteen-year cicadas. They have invaded. They're EVERYWHERE.

And they're freaking loud as heck.


Also, getting caught up on Glee and playing Minecraft. :D

Heh heh heh. We may not have fireflies here, but we also don't have cicadas.

Aye, and that makes your predicament hilarious :V


I did once, however, have school on my birthday. Which is July 28th.


See, the school schedule that year was three weeks of break, three months on, three weeks of break... 

To quote Portal 2, "Comedy=Tragedy+Time."

I love the fact that my school gave long summers.

Using clip art for the first time since fifth grade.



I am probably now on a list somewhere -- I just calculated the effects of detonating Tsar Bomba at surface level in Paris just to help explain something to someone.


(Everything out to Versailles is knocked ass-over-teakettle.)

Unless you're actually purchasing the Russia's largest nuke, I wouldn't be inclined to think so.


Sounds like an entertaining calculation though, save for the fact that Russian missiles and planes are craptastic in terms of accuracy.


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