Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm impressed he finally showed up, but I laughed at the misspelling.
Just got a copy of minecraft. It lags a bit when I'm outside (what I get for having a intel potato chip-set for a graphics card), so no grand fighting adventures for me--no, I'm busy building a fortress by hollowing out the inside of a giant rock spire.
Just make sure you don't build it next to a lava pit... big waste of time that was.

I've only found lava once so far, and it was near bedrock level.

And I desperately need more iron.

Haven't been here in a while, doesn't look like I missed much. D:


I had the chance to go an see video games live when it was here in Montreal a couple weeks ago, and I passed it up. Stupid me. D:

HI RYAN. It's been a while indeed.
It has indeed, schools been kicking my ass. How have you been?

School's over in a week here, thank gods.

I've been fine, declining ever since the end of show week, but not bad.

How've you been?

Kind of bad. But hopefully things will turn around after Monday.
My grandparents have been married 61 years as of Wednesday. Wow. Just, wow.
Ten years, and I can still name all six Animorphs.

Not a hard feat.

I still have some of those books somewhere in a box.


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