So I know we've had loads of discussions like this on MX, but my friend just asked me what I'm afraid of, so it got me thinking. List any fears you might have here, let's see if we get anything interesting. Here's mine:
1) Humanity as a whole.
2) Things that aren't properly organized, stacked, lined up, etc.
3) The fear that somebody I care about will hate me.
4) The sound that you hear when a fork scrapes against porcelain.
4a) Fingernails on a chalkboard.
4b) Fingernails on the side of a car.
5) Envelopes.
6) General anesthesia.
You have any interesting (or maybe normal?) ones? This thread does better on a place like MX where you have a bunch of randoms, but since, you know, I'm eternally banished from that accursed place... 'kay, I'll shut up now. Just reply and make me feel like less of a loser.
1) Sharp objects.
2) Volatile chemicals, or anything significantly chemically active.
3) Vertical motion
4) Motion of any sort in an open vehicle above 3mph
1) small stuffy spaces
2) going down steep mountains on anything with wheels, aside from cars... but it has to be really really steep.
3) nails on piano keys
4) hairy men
5) sand creatures
I'm deathly afraid of losing my mind. As in, dementia, not run-of-the-mill crazy. But apart from that it all changes around depending on how extreme circumstances are. Heights sometimes bother me, and cockroaches are nasty little vermin that scare the shit out of me, but I don't mind them when they're actually little.
1. Escalators
2. Having all of my blood drained from my body...
3. Blood in general.
4. Getting too close to people.
5. Being betrayed/hurt
6. Not getting close enough to people.
7. The future.
8. Body Hair.