A project to recreate Itex-era documents showing the rise of Itex as a company, and the creation of the Maximum Ride characters. Initial discussion on "What are you doing" thread starts HERE.
The story will chronicle Elena Mueller (known by her internet alias "Valentine") after her return from a trip to Germany, and the discovery of the various Itexicon files.
(I'll start updating this OP over the weekend to start compiling the files)
Some of the pauses were written in, but I think there is at least one in there of me trying to remember the pronunciation of something.
Again, here is Omega's transcript, with my revisions to account for accent and quicker pronunciation:
Autopsy report, subject gamma, dated tventy vith July nineteen eighty sefen, superfising doktor *HASHES HERE*. Ve haff here ze corpse of ze experiment gamma. Ze fetus has aborted at approximately tventy-fife veeks of gestation. Ze cause of zis is immediately efident on examining ze fetus - zere is massif congenital defects zat are obfiously related to ze genetic alterations *HASHES HERE* ...that ze experiments brain is highly malformed. EEn addition, ve haff not been able to collect CSF sample..... *evil squishing/cracking noises*. Zis is refealed to be due to fentricle devormation. Ze brainstem is abnormally large comparatif to human fetus, und ze temporal lobe fery much smaller. *HASHES HERE* Ze.... zee blood... zee [hee mah toe logical] provile is most interesting und ve are seeing some side effects zat ve vere not expecting. Zee foetal haemoglobin has odd vorm not seen in humans. Zee red cells are nucleated as in zee afians - zis does not appear to be result ov abnormal or incomplete (Eh Rith- Row Poy EE sis), fery vew immature [Eh- Rith-Row-Cites] are seen. less zan van percent of cell are anucleated. Ze subject's bone marrow shows notable [HI poe cell you lair-it-tee] and... *HASHES HERE*
Static would be awesome! And should we put in any audio-era blurring, and maybe a tape-rewind and restart noise at the beginning?
I'll probably just insert static and then start goofing around. If I can find an awesome tape-rewind/restart noise, it'll go in.
...the most trouble will be finding a really good 'crunchy' noise for the, uh, skull opening. I have some good crunchy, hashy static to cover blank spots, but skulls... hmm...
I'm entering the final stage of mixing in the static (the hard part was extracting static samples >.>;;), so I should have a final product up in a few.
I think it sounds pretty terrible, but at the same time I'm satisfied with it. And I'm not listening to any more goddamn static tonight, so help me God.