A project to recreate Itex-era documents showing the rise of Itex as a company, and the creation of the Maximum Ride characters. Initial discussion on "What are you doing" thread starts HERE.
The story will chronicle Elena Mueller (known by her internet alias "Valentine") after her return from a trip to Germany, and the discovery of the various Itexicon files.
(I'll start updating this OP over the weekend to start compiling the files)
Also, you have ter Borcht saying "terminated" at least twice.
I see what you're doing there. Can we switch one of them out with "put down" or "removed" or suchlike? The two lines follow one directly after the other, which makes it a bit obvious.
My german pronunciation was based mostly on Zs. ter Borcht's pronunciation is based mostly on Ds.
dere vs zere
dat vs zat
dis vs zis
dem vs zem
Crap, now I need to go back and redo the first one so the voice stays consistent.
*sighs* This is what I get for not checking the book and using online sources instead.