Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

My little brother is an idiot. He created an MDW account. He then mentioned that he was 11 and subsequently got suspended. I can no longer access the site from this computer.

You guys know anyone that stupid? Or, who are you mad at? Why?

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My dad's girlfriend, Dee, all the usual reasons.
Myself, all the usual reasons.
Audrey, because she's a bitch who only hangs out with me because I let her borrow money and give her all the answers to her homework.
I'm mad at myself because I got a 96% on a Math Exam. I short answer wrong.
I'm so surprised you're online Ryan! O.O *hugs*
Yes it's a miracle.
A. Delete cookies
B. Try in a new browser

My family
A good number of my friends (all for different reasons)
One of my best friend's girl friends. >.<'
My coach.

Hm. . . most humans it seems.
Stupid fucking people that twist your words and intentions, and couldn't care less to hear your perspective on the situation. IE, closed-minded idiots that essentially make me mad at myself for ever calling them friend.
I'm upset with myself.
Or proud.
I can't decide.
This one girl I know. She's an android. Has to be. Perfect everything, and no negative trauma to show for it. I swear, she's either going to wind up becoming an orthodontist or an ax murderer.
You mean, no visible negative trauma?
I mean no negative trauma. At all. She has friends, extremely nice parents,things that the most wretched teachers in school are awesome teachers (as does she with all the rest). I've heard her talk with friends, she never complains. She isn't on any medication, she does perfectly in school, and is flawlessly able to juggle a social life and extracurricular life. She is, point and concept, a real life Mary Sue.
But they all battle with the demon within, remember.
That's what you think.

Really, she could very well have something she hides from everyone. In fact, I'd bet you anything she's really not as happy and perfect as she lets on to be.


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