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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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TBH, not to any incredible extent.


Your name, yes, and that you're an Anti, certainly, but anything beyond that is a blur.


Sorry. :/ In my defense, I kind of lost track of MX for a while after I got banned.

Only the final exam left... that's it for the degree.



there's a tumblr called 'goodomensheadcanons'.


oh dear lord.


Aziraphale and Crowley got drunk-married once in Vegas.

Crowley still gives Aziraphale flowers every year as some sort of ironic, passive-agressive taunt.

Aziraphale replies by paying the bill in full at the Ritz.

There are years where they get exceptionally competitive and try to one-up each other in anniversary-gift-giving.


so much happiness

Yeah, basically the shittiest birthday ever. 

Normally, I love my birthday, but today I just want it to be over.  

Happy birthday, love.


Why was it bad? D:


I usually have awful birthdays. This year was a surprising break.

xD Thanks. 

The entire weekend was spent doing homework. x.x Most of early today/late yesterday was really good because my friend made this fabulous birthday card for me and everything but then Skype decided to glitch and my friend basically just bitched out at me for well... I'm not really sure what. In our Math project we need diagrams, I had two other girls ask for help and she got mad at me for using their diagrams because she has to draw hers by herself. Which I find a little peculiar since she always calls one of the other two girls dumb. I mean, if she's so dumb, why are you upset that I'm using her diagrams?


My birthdays are usually awesome because my friends are awesome. Sadly, here, my friends are not so awesome. 


And thank you for hearing me rant. XD Feels like a while since I lasted post here and it's just a rant...  

Ick. Sorry. :/ And I hate projects. SO much. Especially group projects, but that's because I hate people.


In some ways, I'm glad I've never had to move.


Sure thing. xD

Not to intrude, but...I'm sorry. I hope your friends start acting more maturely.


Happy late birthday, by the way. ^_^

@Contra: Depends what type of project. Math is not my favourite. I don't mind English or Social because those are usually fun. Hate group projects. Everyone ditches all the responsibilities on me.


I didn't mind moving before because I was so young and we moved frequently enough that I didn't establish long-time friends. So it was okay. Not so okay now. 


@Fake: >.> Yeah. I'm just hoping it's that one special womanly time. 

:D Thank you!  

I haven't had a math project since I quit honors after freshman year. Best fucking decision.

Usually, I don't mind projects themselves, but I'm a chronic procrastinator. So it usually turns out poorly. Except when we had an English project for The Crucible and I rewrote it with more historical accuracy in the form of a screenplay. That was fun. And now I have a Western Civ project for which we have to design a family coat of arms and write a code of chivalry for the 21st century. It's all right. And my coat of arms is beastly.


I've lived in the same house my entire life. In white, upper-middle-class, conservative suburbia. Where high school kids drive Audis and vintage Mustangs to school.

I'm sorry. :\ Like, I complain about where I live (see above), but I'd want to murder my parents if they decided to move now. 

I like Math, I really do, I just hate fucking projects where over four people keep messaging/calling me for help and I spend over two fucking days working on it. JUST GIVE ME TESTS. 

Ew.... Our teachers are generally a little more lenient with the creative stuff. They're well aware 90% of us cannot draw so we don't have to do that stuff. I like projects, depending on the content. English and Social yay, Science and Math nay. 

... A kid in my Math and French drives an Audi. He parks 2 blocks away from school so  it won't get stolen/ruined. And I've lived in some of the nicest places to the worst. XD And everything in between. Dude, if I had to move ONE MORE TIME (unless it was back to my old house) someone would be dead. I totally understand what you mean. 

I know I'm very very late, but Happy Birthday. :3


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