Yes. Yes it does.
Gimme 5, I haven't dealt with the Pit's uploader system in a while.
Also, I'm being a dick as far as format anyway.
...oh jesus, speaking of badfic.
I. Well.
Do you happen to remember the Angel/Jeb fic that wouldn't die?
Uh, so. Wow.
You really did finish it.
EEeeeep. Angel grew up and got (more) screwed up, and then is inflicting herself on Jeb, who is probably the most screwed up of the bunch! And the whole thing is written so desperate and, well, kinky...
...I really do wanna give you a hug
Well, it helped that I wrote a hell of a lot of it while I was fairly fucked up myself. Not that I ever stopped being fucked up but you get the point.
I had to pretty much smash my face against the keyboard to finish the fucker though. Jesus I've never disliked writing anything so much.
I will gladly accept that hug, though.
Hello there, everyone! I just realized that I haven't checked in a while.
I'm turning eighteen next Friday. o.o
I don't even feel like I should be seventeen yet. Gah.
Here's a thought:
The characters in Maximum ride to not make stupid decisions because of hormones. They do it due to oxygen deprivation.
In a normal human, the brain uses 1/4 of the oxygen the body takes in. The birdkids are regularly flying at the altitude of pressurized airplanes, and arguably should have bigger brains to support flight control, and the other random doohickeys the scientists decided to put into them. During long fights or flights, flock members would quickly run out of oxygen, and would become loopy and suffer decreased cognition due to brain oxygen deprivation--not enough to kill them or permanently harm them, mind you, but enough to cause temporary problems.
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