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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Posted a blog.

Break is really bad for me because instead of being productive or being even slightly active, I lie around the house and eat not-very-healthful food and watch television and watch movies and go on Tumblr.

I don't even read books or sleep or anything. I just stare at screens and try to rationalize it.

And I'm not excited for Christmas really at all. What is this shitfuckery?

I'm not in Christchurch at the moment - which seems to be a good thing, because there's been another quake.

5.8. 5th-equal biggest quake since September '10.

That sucks.


I should turn the TV off, and get off the computer. I should.

I hate this. I fucking hate it. I'm not even there, but the emotional impact of knowing is...

I want to cry. And throw things.

It's not fair.

Just saw on CNN

And yes, it isn't fair.

We're willing to listen to your rant if you feel like giving it.

It's now:

~2pm - 5.8 mag

~2:05 - 5.3 mag

~3:20 - variously reported as 5.8-6.0-6.1

Thank god, no serious injuries, no major building collapses (there's nothing left to go!), no major damage.


Just read about the lastest online.  Just... shit.

We're here if you still feel like breaking things.  I would.

It's been, what, 16 months since I got woken up on September 4, at 4:30 in the goddamn morning, then turned on the TV when I got up, to the news that there'd been the 7.1.

And then there was a few wobbles. 5's usually. Nothing huge. We got complacent.

I moved to Christchurch at the end of January '11. I was there for all of three and a half weeks before 22/2 happened.

That day, and the night that followed were awful. We averaged a shake every 35-odd minutes.  I left on the 23rd, and didn't go back for three weeks. Even when I got back, it was still shake-a-day.

And it died off, and we got complacent. Nope, we said. We've had out big aftershock. The chance of another one is small.

June happened. Two biggies, one a 6.

Fuck, we said. But we picked ourselves up and carried on. It couldn't possibly happen again. Two shakes is uncommon, three would be unlikely, right??

Now, December. At least three big shakes, it'll be hundreds of aftershocks, the sequence starts all over again. We know the sequence. This is the fourth time around.

So, what now? It has to be three months shake-free before they'll even think about starting a rebuild in Christchurch. It'll be months to get assessments on houses, businesses, and the land done. They'll stop the demolitions because they need to prove they're safe before people can go back to work.

People who were greenzoned/stickered now no longer have the certainty that their houses are okay. It all starts again.

What if it happens again? What if there's another one.

I was gonna move back to Christchurch if I got a job there next year.

Fuck that. Fuck it. No way. I can't do that again.

I went into Cathedral Square, on the walk, just two weeks ago. What does the Cathedral look like now? Is there anything left of it?

They were gonna open the cordon by April - I don't think so, not now.


-Gives tea-

Stay strong Omega. If you really feel like killing something:

I know this is pretty much pointless, but I'm bad at these emotional things and I wanted to make it evident that I actually gave a flying fuck and if you were physically near me, I'd totally offer you food.

It's okay.Not great, but I'll be alright.

I'm pretty lousy at the emotional things too, and just being able to rant, and knowing that you guys do care makes things that bit better.

Shit-fuck, I can't even begin to imagine what all that is like. Jeeze. "I'm sorry" won't even cover it, but I don't really know what else to say.


Also, awful with the emotion stuff, but hey, even I care and I haven't been around that much lately.

Sister makes strange noises. 

Step-Mom: Joyce, was that you?

Me: No that was Cloe. 

Step-Mom: Oh my god, is she possessed? 

And now I sleep to that lovely thought.


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