Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Hell yes I do. I'm gonna go post a recipes thread.

I'm totally thinking we should set a wedding date soon. :)


I just got an email from Obama/the White House that begins with the line:

"Everyone's got that special conservative in their life."

And then it proceeds to tell me that I should donate to the Obama campaign, and tell all my Republican friends that they inspired me to donate, "which will surely make their day."

The postscript encourages me to purchase Obama 2012 merchandise for their Christmas presents, mentioning in particular 'birther mugs'.

Obama is such a fucking troll I love him.

I know it was a staffer who wrote it but still.

Just...going through the MX forums and chuckling to myself. At 1.30am, but...

That Skaia discussion is the funniest thing, too. Though later on when that one girl starts saying things like "I wouldn't cry if an Internet friend died" - well, that's a bit chilling, admittedly.

Yeah, that... that was weird. People lie and all, but fuck -- friends are friends, on the internet and in real life.



I never really hated someone before now. Their stupidity, maybe. Their stubbornness, perhaps.


But a person?


This is a first for me, I'll admit.

Even on creative mode, building a 2/3 model of the Arecibo radio telescope in Minecraft is not easy.

Time to attempt to revive some intellectual discussion.

To TTS I go.

I was considering posting a thread comparing Stephanie Meyer to the art style of the poet Robert Browning. Interested?

Never having read Robert Browning (that I know of), I'm not sure I'll know what you're talking about. But I'll certainly read it. I'm curious.

Nah. Not worth a thread.

But the thesis is that Robert Browning's Poetry was a series of dramatic monologues, not designed to be taken seriously as representing his own thought process, or even a socially appropriate thought process. For instance, one of his characters is a solisist who believes that this woman wants him to kill her so that he can be together with her corpse forever.. What makes Browning's poetry intrigiuing is that it is intentionally wrong and in bad taste.

So to bring this to Meyer, I was going to argue that it is possible that Meyer's characters are also intentionally wrong and in bad social taste, and that Meyer is actually some kind of evil litarary genius who's managed to dupe everyone.


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