Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Okay, I'm a total flaming asshole but...

From 2 different individuals:

I find this quite odd, seeing as she told me HERSELF that she was, indeed, actually banned.

Person 2:

Skaia was banned, she said it herself. The mods are trying to cover it up, and I have noticed the signs. That screenshot was faked somehow, because Skaia DEFINITELY did NOT join on July 20th, 2011.

That argues our rite to mourn a friend. Would they close a discussion to mourn a d*** pet? probably not. :|

Chey does nto deserve to be a mod, in my oppinion. She is the least fair, the least agreeable, and overlooks everything big, but catches onto the stupidest things. We can mourn however the heck we want, why the heck we want, and when the heck we want, and she shouldn't be able to stop us.

Mods are faking shit now? lololol. Reminds me of the time we were all scared they were lurking on here. 

Wait, I thought they said that they weren't in contact with her. Did she get back in contact?

Apparently they did. They found a website she made. 

Quoth Chey:

This member was not banned, in fact it shows they left the site on their own. This discussion is now over and the thread is closed per upper management wishes.

Sounds familiar.

How so?

Messing around with The Box.



Anyone want to try and get MDW people banned by changing this site's colour scheme, changing our usernames/avvies to that of people on the site, and then taking screenshots of us swearing?

Hell, we can even do it with the mods. XD


*sleep drunk*

Also, the mods claimed that Skaia wasn't banned.


Thus, if she was banned, then she now has permission to rejoin the site. Because they didn't ban her, according to the mods themselves.




Who wants to tell the Skaia fans the good news? XD Now Skaia has literally no reason to not come back.

Commencing out-sueing Yuki.


Step one: Convince her that her character is poisoned, and have Death drink poison that he thinks is an antidote. I'm convinced that Yuki is a troll.


There's literally no way someone could be that arrogant.

My bet is that he's just dumber than a sack of hammers.

Oh, EndOf, won't you show up and drop boxes on some people?


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