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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Random life post. More like short pointless diary entry or something.

Yeeee, a dozen real red roses, a dozen fake red roses, plus a really pretty red satin and black lace box of chocolates (and they're Hershey's so no weird stuff). And I got lots of compliments on my hair at school. :D I had a good day. (Well, week really... Yesterday I stayed home from school and played Skyrim. And there's no school tomorrow or Friday.) :D

Also, working on a watercolor painting that actually looks good for once, squeeing over video games and fanart for them, and writing my own comics. I actually wrote two Skyrim based comics this week and have ideas for a few more. I might just put the series on DA for fun, eventually. :D

Life is good for the moment. I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts. :D

Hey guess what you piece of shit? You don't really physically harass your younger siblings. I might not be able to do anything physically but you are so fucking lucky we don't have Nair.

Enjoy your shower tomorrow morning ass wipe. I hope it burns.

And also, I'm going out to buy some Nair.

It's really fucking pathetic when a bunch of strangers from the Internet are nicer to you than your own brother. There's a special place in hell for dicks like you.

Violently betraying family? According to Dante Alighieri, writer of Inferno, there is indeed a special place in hell for people like that. It may amuse you to know, that it is, in fact, the very deepest circle of hell.


I'm probably going somewhere less pleasant because I'n going to put Nair in his shampoo, but yes, that does amuse me quite a bit.

Here's to hoping that Dante got a few things right in his story.

Oh, he wrote Inferno? Fancy that. I would have never guessed that Dante Alighieri wrote Inferno. I thought he was a comedian, actually.

Uh huh. His Comedy is Divine.


Looks like me and mum are heading down to see grandad on tuesday - not sure how long for. Maybe a week.

So, couple of things.


1. Saw the pilot for Touch. I liked it. I'll reserve judgement for now, though, until I hear what other people think about it because I rely on other people to tell me what to think and what I like. I'm sorry, I meant that I'm going to wait until I see the next few episodes. Dear me, what a strange slip of the tongue. That's happening frequently nowadays. I'm going to have to get that looked at.


2. Saw the 3D Star Wars. Forgot my contacts, so I wore the 3D glasses over my 2D ones. Nice graphics. Nice new scenes. Inspired to parody it now, though. You have been warned.


3. Ran six miles. Preparing for a half-marathon. Also, I'm starting to lose weight. This is annoying, as I've been trying to gain enough to give blood. Oh, well--I'm probably taking too much medicine to give blood, anyways.


4. St. Johns College costs more than fifty grand a year. This makes me sad. However, scholarships. Yay scholarships!


5. Found some interesting singers on Youtube. Unfortunately, they only do anime. Fortunately, their voices are ridiculously beautiful. Also, apparently guys are capable of singing. I never knew that.


6. Wrote a bitching poem. Unfortunately, I submitted it to the school art magazine on the deadline, and it was reviewed by a distant friend of mine--by this I mean we're friendly, but not friends--who has only accepted three of the forty poems, stories, and essays submitted to her for further review so far. Fortunately, she loved my poem, and was the one who encouraged me to submit it in the first place. I'm willing to PM it to anyone who wants to see it, but fair warning--post it anywhere that can be traced to google, I will hunt you down and murder you. I'm fine if you want to plaigarize, although I know none of you will, mind you--it's just that they check online to make sure I don't plaigarize. Which, you know. You posting it will indicate. Furthermore, if I post it, people will be able to trace me to this site. Then I'll have to dig a mass grave and transfer out of my school. Again. I don't wish to do that, so please don't ask me to post it. PM only, if you want to see it--otherwise, no.


7. I joined a 1x1 roleplay with a really good writer. I'm playing Watson, she's playing Sherlock and an OC. Because apparently I do roleplays based on good works of literature now. Oh, well.

@3: You have no idea how fucking jealous I am. It's way too cold to go out running. :( I've learned I'm bitchy on days I don't run. (See: all of winter) And I don't do indoor running. I hate that. And my Bio teacher has told me that no matter how small you are, they still want your blood. DONATE ANYWAYS! They just take less. 

The parody of SWe1 already exists. There is the full-length youtube recreation, as well as the review and criticism by redlettermedia, which is almost as long as the film.

Also, your post has made me decide to add a crossover novel of Victorian writer lady characters to my list of future novels that I want to write, if only for the sake of comparing and contrasting Irene Adler and Estella Havisham.

I find it odd that my lowest grade average this semester so far is in my art class, which is a 94. My highest is AP Psychology, with a 104. Out of 100. I don't quite understand how this is possible, but I won't complain. My AP Studio Art score, however, needs to improve. Not quite sure why that one's as low as it is. 

Meh, I shouldn't complain. My only other two classes have 100 averages and they're all A's. I'll live. XD

I hated my Social teacher last year because basically, she never taught anyone/anything and then when we all failed our tests (seriously, our written portion on exams usually averaged around a 40%) so she'd take off questions to boost our tests and make her classes (plural sadly enough) suck less. She did not come back for a reason. 

A girl in one of the other classes had a 110% at one point. At one point I even had 102%. 

If you're doing AP it might be that your marks are consistent of regular, non-AP material and then if your teacher put AP stuff on a test, and you got it right, and then later took it off when giving out grades it would give you a higher mark. My chem teacher did that a few times, only his quizzes were so hard most of us did not do better than 90%. 


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