I don't know, you two just make me feel so young sometimes. I forget that we're not really that far apart in age. Occasionally I feel like some annoying little kid trying to hang out with the big kids, like Jimmy's friends do to me. You two just act so much older than me sometimes....
Eh, I think Tara is about my age. She's always acted like it, in my opinion.
XD Really? See, Pyro acts his age, and you act about Pyro's age, but I hardly even act my own age... so sometimes it feels like you two are about 17 and I'm just this little 14yo kid.
More often than not do you two know more on a subject than I, or Pyros' acting about 16-17, you're acting that old as well, and I'm acting about 7. >.>
There is no way, you two always know more than me on virtually any subject, and you both make me feel immature and/or terribly stupid on a daily (or more) basis.
Sometimes I forget you're not older than Pyro, you generally act about the same age, often you act older, but you both almost always seem far older than me.
You're.... 11? Wow. You are possibly the most mature 11yo I've ever met...
And I seriously doubt anyone will ban you, hon. We all love you far too much. Even if it was against the ToS, they'd make an exception, I'm sure. If I may ask, why do you want to leave, though?