Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I have tons of stuff I should be doing. Instead, I just read through every post on both Facebook walls, replied to all my messages on myspace, and read through that entire conversation on here from last night. If I flunk out of school, you shouldn't be surprised.
You're too smart to flunk! You have the power of.. intelligence!

Perhaps you should go do some homework?

Although I'm skipping school right now for reasons I have yet to figure out myself...
Nah. No reason to bother. If I do it, I'll just be BSing my way through it, which is probably the reason I flunk tests, as I never do the hw or study or read the material, or do anything even remotely related to figuring out what the test will be about. Seriously, just yesterday I learned that we were studying cells in Bio. And have been. For two weeks.
We are too, have been since the beginning of the year. Really pretty pictures. We're in the same grade right?

-Totally flunked the first quiz as she missed every class before the quiz class-

I BS my way through English homework seeing as we're now on Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation. I only do homework because we have this In Good Standing bullshit, where if you don't have everything you get calls home, don't get to go to dances, detentions, etc.

Who knew druggie schools cared so much about homework? >.>
I'm a freshman in

Yeah, we CAN get calls home for not doing your hw, but usually the teachers just indirectly insult you and call you a slacker, and then make sure you get a big 0 on that assignment. 0's bite.
My school sucks, Grade Nine = Senior year of Jr. High. Which if I was at a different one I'd be a freshman at HS so... yes.

My teachers give me funny looks. >.> Like they can't believe how un-slacker-ish I've been. -Was a notorious skipper last year... and the year before that...-

0's are horrible. I used to get them all the time in Social Studies. I hated History, I love Geography though.
0's kill your grades. Kill them. Brutally murdered. *has way too many on multiple homework assignments*
O.O -Prays to god to never let her get zero's-

I desperately want a scholarship to some university, hopefully Dalhousie. Zero's will slaughter my grades... oh shit. I did just get a zero on my French assignment I should've done but didn't. I should do that Health assignment some time too...

We get half-term marks, next week I believe. They're like mini-report cards.
The sun woke me up.

fuck that
Reading about Dian Fossey and Jane Goodall... Why, I have no clue.
Sighing. Should be glad it's the weekend finally. :\ Not as much joy in the prospect for some reason.
O.o I fell asleep, woke up, and when I saw my sister I thought she was wearing my rug.


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