Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Hey, Kayte.
Lamp! Hey!
Hello, how've you been?
Good thanks! Still enjoying driving thus far. ^.^

How are you?

*still loves driving*

Meh, I'm alive. How was your day?
I like being able to sing loudly to the radio and not have to explain myself to the people in the car...

Being alive is good! I had a pretty good day 8D

*is the opposite*
I don't listen to the radio much, and I make detours to drive in tunnels when my mate lets me drive his car/ I get to drive my dad's Beemer.

*loves the sound of the engine*
XD I've actually been listening to CDs a lot and Cassettes, 'cause my car has a cassette player ^.^

I drove over a little 2 lane bridge today, so exciting.
I'll be back in a bit guys, I've got to shower. But Since I'm not busy today I'll be back in like a half hour.
Going to bed.

G'night everyone.


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