Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XD I joined a bunch of groups, and got stuck with TH, somehow... I pretty much ended up hanging out there more 'cause of a couple of TH people. I kind of got attached to the people way too quickly, which made me feel like a creepy stalker.

Edit - BobMarleyLover? I loved him! He's one of the reasons I stayed, he, Lamp and Tara, because he was cool....

Second Edit - I just called him a girl like three times. Oops. *changed it*

Dude, I loved BobMarlyLover.

We had an awesome discussion about taking over the world with pudding, and I really liked talking politics with him.
He was a fair debater, depending on the topic.

If you do tell him that I say 'Hi'.

Megan - BobMarlyLover was a guy.
*giggles* I'm not sure how to contact him without a MX account, but I'd love to thank him. I debated him at every turn for the entire month of December. It makes me so sad that that discussion is gone.
Lamp - I know. I changed it. I knew that, at one point, but I default to calling everybody a girl....

I really wish I still had communications with Aaron, Iggy1993, BobMarlyLover, and Hector. They were my favourite people to debate with, by far back in December-March.
Oh yes! Iggy1993, We debated about dictators. He's the reason Nathan and I really started talking, he led us to our very first late night Russian Literature conversation.
None of them are ever on though, it makes me sad that I can't contact these people who influenced me so heavily.

Oh, gosh, I loved political debates with him.
And watching Iggy1993 and Aaron battle it out.

*especially loved the GTMO debate*

Oh man, do I wish they all stayed online.
*would give so much to go back to have the site was in January*
Oh, I remember the GTMO thread. I lost an argument rather badly to you, I think, Lamp.

It would be so good to have the site back to what it was... way back when. Even though you still see some of those names, mostly Aaron's, around, they, like everyone else, are on a lot less these days.
I joined MX on the 11th, whatever day that is. . . .

My MR fandom anniversary is. . . . . in January to early Febuary-ish.
I thought you were older than that...
What do you mean?

I was on the old site, I joined that in early '07.
Oh I thought you meant that it would be a year for you, and I was thinking that you were definitely older than that.


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