Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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CMA awards. Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood.

Sung: "Don't let your kids grow up to be Kanye... Let them pick thier guitars and drive those old trucks because cowboys are nice and don't inturrupt..." Etc. *BOL's*

A pungent yet aromatic scent of whiskey and Waffle House: Kid Rock!

I despise country music. But this is just durn hilarious.
Is it just me, or did the strikethrough move up?
It... might... have?
It used to be in the middle of the lowercase letters and now it's higher...
Finished my homework. Had a hell of a lotta' fun with my element ad for science. Teach said,"Go crazy." :3 Maybe I took that a slight bit to literally. Oh well.

:D I also bought the most fuzzyful winter coat. X3 *snuggles up in coat*
NaNo is making Roland my favorite character in forever.


"Doctor ter Borcht" is three words.

"Max", for example, is just one.

Deciding I should probably start my homework. . . . . .

Drinking Starbucks.
Ditto on the first, already given up on the second, and jealous of the third. >.>
o.o Thanks!

Any favorite bits? >.>
The tie is my favorite character, probably XD

*squee* That's one of the points of his characterization that I... enjoy, I guess. Both of them, really. They fight over shit like that later >.>

And the scene in the car? Hell yeah I had fun.

End of chapter 6... works, doesn't work? 'Cause the opening of the next chapter depends on it.
And then they get to go to Germany omigosh

Excellent. I was kinna nervous about it.
Goin' to bed. G'night.


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