21 July, a week before my birthday. Apologies for silence. My family's running around trying to fix up my brother's room with furniture again after it was painted.
I was a a twelve-year-old fangirl who suddenly couldn't wait another week to turn thirteen and register for ff.net, fictionpress, and the MR forums. My original U/N for all three was Griffon's Flight. Oh, to be young and stupid. You could all be calling me Griffie right now if I hadn't wised up *shudder*
It's a madhouse around here... *meant to be in bed half an hour ago*
Ha, I learned a little from lurking around the original MR forums, but mostly I was lucky enough to be a fast learner on MX. I chose good people to learn from (Like you!) Of course I was a fan way back...
My youthful dorkiness suited me quite well with MR. I showed up a little too young to get into shipping for a while (I didn't really start with the shipping until after book three), hung around for the biopunk and science aspects, and quickly gravitated to my brother/sister snarkers.
And that's when I started becoming the mad-science loving boogeyman that haunts the MR fandom today >:D
Hah, I'm so old I was around before there were Antis. The cool folks were... people I didn't know and was far, far too shy to associate with. Possibly this is when I started wanting to be a BNF, because it looked so fun.
I repeat for the fiftieth time: I really regret that desire.
Yeah, when people consider me an oldy and I've been around for less than a third of the time you have. It's hard to believe it's been so little time, it feels like forever.