Permalink Reply by Xuut on December 6, 2009 at 10:55am
XD Your old self sounds like what I was in.... fifth grade. Lovely sixth grade made me quite different.
My friends /get/ my internet addiction.
Especially since it'd be hypocritical if they didn't. Seeing as they have their share of e-buddies.
O.o Three in the morning... That's pretty late, even for my standards. Which is completely hypocritical of me seeing as I sometimes sleep as late as four AM.
My one friend knows that I was in Twilight fandom (she didn't know about MR.... I showed her TH MX, she didn't realize it wasn't a Twilight-only website), and she knows that I've gotten myself banned and we got into loads of trouble.
My other friend, knows that I'm close with some online people, since he's a WoW freak.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on December 6, 2009 at 11:09am
Oh god. If any of my friends found out I was in Twilight fandom... it would not be pretty. My Twilight Hater status would be ruined, even if I explained to them fandom.
Pish. WoW freaks. Used to have some in my class, I think they all like the video game ones now, like Halo and other ones I can't remember the names of.
Edit: @ Tally: 9, back then I went to bed at twelve, sometimes later. I thought I was super awesome or something. I usually stay up between 12-4. Hehehe. I like to nap in the afternoons when no one is on.
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 6, 2009 at 10:04am
Going to go Christmas shopping for my sister. Hopefully be back later. Bye everyone.