Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XD Your old self sounds like what I was in.... fifth grade. Lovely sixth grade made me quite different.

My friends /get/ my internet addiction.

Especially since it'd be hypocritical if they didn't. Seeing as they have their share of e-buddies.

O.o Three in the morning... That's pretty late, even for my standards. Which is completely hypocritical of me seeing as I sometimes sleep as late as four AM.
My one friend knows that I was in Twilight fandom (she didn't know about MR.... I showed her TH MX, she didn't realize it wasn't a Twilight-only website), and she knows that I've gotten myself banned and we got into loads of trouble.

My other friend, knows that I'm close with some online people, since he's a WoW freak.
Oh god. If any of my friends found out I was in Twilight fandom... it would not be pretty. My Twilight Hater status would be ruined, even if I explained to them fandom.

Pish. WoW freaks. Used to have some in my class, I think they all like the video game ones now, like Halo and other ones I can't remember the names of.

Edit: @ Tally: 9, back then I went to bed at twelve, sometimes later. I thought I was super awesome or something. I usually stay up between 12-4. Hehehe. I like to nap in the afternoons when no one is on.
Going to go Christmas shopping for my sister. Hopefully be back later. Bye everyone.
Tom Lehrer is the man. He eats Weird Al for breakfast.
I'm to assume he eats Bob Ricci for lunch, correct?
Writing so I can finish my NaNo so I can get a fancy-dancy bound copy.

It runs that long? I through December began on Tuesday?
I won NaNo, I just didn't finish the story. *fails at words*
What did it wind up being about?
I got my detective/scientist team to Nazi Germany, and they're on the verge of discovering horrible concentration-camp shenanigans.

So your run-of-the-mill Nazi-crazy-science thing.


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