I'm not addicted, as such. But it makes for a great fall back writing genre. o.o I didn't notice that. Maybe I'm just good at reading where a character is headed? I know I'm reasonably good at picking up that sort of stuff...
Well, at least you get to see the good stuff when it turns up.
I had, and still have, something of a sadistic streak when it comes to torturing characters >.> I've gotten better lately. It makes a bit of an appearance around the time STW happens, if I recall my nonexistent planning correctly.
True. And sometimes there's some genuinely good stuff lurking.
*does that* *still* I had a phase where pretty much every character was going to end up dead, or close enough. Now it's not a guarantee, but I usually have no qualms about killing them. So picking up on it /way/ in advance. Maybe I was just inspired by the same whatever it was that made you decide he was like that?
Yes. I ended up reading EvilPumpkin's one last night. An example of genuinely good stuff.
I killed approximately a billion characters in Echo Flux and felt no remorse, even when I had to off my favorites. Guess I got soft. ...Yeah, sounds like it. Or magic. Are you a wizard?
Oh God yes <3 I got stuck in an OC fic by a different author earlier tonight and it's trying to eat my brain. Goddammit I was trying to write ._.
I occasionally feel remorse nowadays. Well, I did in my NaNo. That was odd. Although I was expecting to kill off a really random meaningless character, which then decided to go right ahead and develop their own personality in the 1000 odd words they were on screen >.s>Well, I was expecting a letter from Hogwarts... but y'know, it's a long way from England to Australia.
*is back* My mouth is less painful now, I can concentrate...
*is planning set for Alice in Wonderland* It's going to be a lot bigger of a job than I anticipated...
I had a wee bit too much caffeine earlier, so uh yeah >.> But I'm working on a pretty kickin' chapter with Ari and Jeb and oh God it's going to be sad...
O.O Oh no! *is afraid for the sad chapter...*
Ha, I'm super tired from rehearsal, and dentistry, and planning this set out.
And get this: My APUSH homework for the break, memorize all of the presidents, their terms and parties. Thanks Mr. K, now I'll have a relaxing break...