Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I can vouch for what EndOf is saying. She has been incredibly smart about her personal information and as far as we know she hasn't done anything illegal. We will miss her and her contribution to the site.
I can vouch for Tally in that too. She hasn't done anything illegal or dangerous to my knowledge.

And Tally, I'm sorry I'm seeing this so late, but *hughughug* I'm sorry hon.
Fourthing this -- as acting mod, I can say that Tally is absolutely a model member who's done nothing illegal or against the TOS.

Not that any other member has.
Fifth-ing this sounds rather redundant, but I agree as well. Everything's pretty much been said, but she's wonderful and mature and has never acted in a way to bring harm to herself or to you.

Tally. . . . .

This is somewhat. . .unbelieveable.

That's beyond harsh, and I sincerely hope things will. . . . be the best possible for you, and you'll be able to return every once in a while to let us know you're alive and all.
Tally, I haven't known you for very long but:

You're awesome.

We all love you.

@ Mr. and Mrs. Tally:
I hope some sort of agreement can be come to. We'll all miss Tally. *groupglomp*


That really, really, sucks. My parents well, I'm not quite sure what they know...

To Tally's parents:

I can firmly assure you that any jokes about Tally coming to Canada are merely jokes. She has never put herself in harm by revealing any information and she's super awesome.

Please don't make her stop coming here.
Oh God. I suspected this would happen sooner or later D:

I don't really know what to say, except please come back as soon as you're allowed. My parents have done similar things before and I can tell you that the best thing to do is just do what they say.

Tally's parents, if you're reading this, I can understand why you're worried, but I corroborate everything the others have already said about your daughter, and I can assure you that to my knowledge she hasn't done anything dangerous. I hope you'll let her come back to speak to us again in some shape or form. If not, we'll all miss her.
Your mom sounds pretty reasonable. I take it you aren't supposed to be online?

EDIT: And you're having to go to a counsellor? Not fun.
TALLEH! *glomps*

Your cousin was not too subtle, BTW.
Did she email you on FB too?
More like IMassaulted me, Fishy and Patrick.


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