Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I have Crispix. :D

And I might be going all the way to ElDo tomorrow to see Avatar. >.>
You should, it's so good. and they have an Imax...
We have an Imax too....

But I don't wanna drive all the way to ElDo. And if I can get out of it, this is all home-alone time. XD
Oh, we don't have an Imax or a 3D so we have to go to ElDo...

Ha, there is that...
*has to do homework too*

It's a lot of...taking notes/making connections with a book. SO. MANY. POST-ITS. *dies*

Seriously, anyone want a picture of my book? My teacher /requires/ that we write down on post-its while we read, it's terrible...but it does make me look all intelligent n junk!
Immediate reaction: what, is it a school-issued copy?

Because my theory with annotation is that there are millions of other copies, therefore it is fine if I write all the hell over mine. For STW, though, it's getting revenge on the terrible writing.

>.> So yeah, what the hell, hit me up.

My book is pretty. At least the first 5/100 chapters that I actually did.

It's covered in highlights and notes written in pen directly in the book. It reminds me of being, like, 10 and attempting my first -- and last -- ever fanfiction. (SOUE, by the way.)
@ Nate: Yup, school-issued. I wish I could just write inside the book - I have to limit myself to two sticky notes per page.

@ Fishums: I WANT IT. I'm not sure if you understand my love for Snicket...

ALSO- I got distracted by pizza. The photo will be up in a few. The book is less-impressive, now that I lok at it, though...
Sorry. It was handwritten, never posted or anything, lost a long time ago. (That was a short-lived fandom addiction until somebody corrected my grammar and I was so intimidated that I left forever. I wasn't the fight-back type of newb. >.>)
I don't know... I never really did any margin writing, never found it to help. Besides, all the questions my teachers wound up asking were about the extended metaphors and symbolism :P:P:P:P:P and I was never able to spot those while reading.
I can spot forshadowment and metaphors while reading, but I don't know what they represent...

I'd prefer margins just because having to stop and tear up a sticky note is ver ver un-zen.
I just make notes in my exercise book. I'd never look through the book to find them all, plus I hate scribbling on my books.


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