Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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It's fun, but favourite activity? O.O

I have cold hands and feet. Bad circulation, like my mum.
Well, not all-out favorite, but it's pretty entertaining :D
*does that too* XD

I always have cold hands and feet.
A few years back, my friends hands were cold, so she stuffed them in my armpits. In the middle of class. xD
LOL. Wow.
Having well and truly run out of room, I'm now attempting to decide which books get to stay in my room... As it turns out I have separation issues, even with books I haven't touched in over six years.
Until I sorted my room out a few months back, I had a bookcase (floor to ceiling) filled with books, not to mention piles next to my bed and out in the hall. Now I've narrowed it down to just the bookcase... *is sad*
I have... four bookcases total full of books, then stacks on my desk and a few in a drawer of my file cabinet.


Even books I never liked/read, I can't bear to part with. . . .
Hello everyone. So last night I wrote a new chapter at 2:00 am but I had no internet so, I'm off to post it.

I saw Sherlock Homes today. It was awesome. My sister is unhappy with me because I kept covering her eyes for any part that might scare her, but goddamn it was a good movie, and I'm rambling so I'll shut up. I'm adding the books to my long list of books to read.
I'm pleasantly surprised with the eight kabillion people I've seen who saw the movie and went "Now I gotta read the stories!"

D'you want my rec list of the stories I liked most? >.> *dodgy*
*has read the stories but wants to see the list* My collection of the Sherlock Holmes stories is so pretty. ^.^


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