*nodnod* It was a fun class. Although he was substituting for the woman who normally teaches Geology (she was on maternity leave, I think) so he was learning the course material a few weeks before we did.
My Chemistry teacher is in the exact same situation right now. I hated the old teacher. We didn't learn a thing, and now we have to cover the whole 2-year course in less that a year. x_x
My class apparently pissed my Chemistry teacher off so badly that one day he just cut loose and threw a lamp. ._. Albeit the guys he shouted at were really kind of jerks.
Seriously? Um, wow.
Sometimes I sympathise with teachers who throw stuff. The year above me got banned from accessing the internet at school, ever, because in a Physics lesson they emailed a death threat to the Prime Minister. They sent the Special Branch round to our school to question people and everything. So yeah, sometimes kids go too far. Although that was rather epic.