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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*skids into thread late*

New person! Hi! Welcome. :D :D *in way-too-friendly mood*

*giggles at Nathan's nickname*
Either one works, most people end up using both of them, just at random times.... never together though. That's weird and formal. XD

So... whichever you like. Or you can just use whatever comes to mind. I also answer to "hey you!" "weirdo" and everybody else's name. XD
That works.

You said "Quiet," right?


So I accidentally a really reprehensible Ari poem, instead of a drabble. *fail*
"Crossing The Ocean (In A Flimsy Tin Can)"

You can't miss someone you hardly remember.
Ari grabs the armrests of his seat
when the plane hits a burst of turbulence.
(stability lost -- all he wants is a home)
Doctor Batchelder isn't his father --
he's just some guy who gives orders,
loves Max, and doesn't care about
just another Eraser.
He barely remembers his dad --
and Ari doesn't miss him.
("be brave, kiddo" -- if he makes a noise,
one of the whitecoats will get angry --
so he learns to be silent,
and get angry right back)
Is he imagining it, or does the air smell like salt?
They're too far above the ocean
for him to be able to smell it --
even with wolf eyes, he can't see past the clouds.
He must be imagining it.
Ari closes his eyes, listens to the quiet sounds --
air rushing past him.
(he used to dream of flying, and now
he dreams in black and white,
his memories replayed, spooling out before him
all night long)
He doesn't like planes --
too close to failing, they make him nervous.
The plane jumps again, and he
doesn't make a sound --
who would be there to tell him it's all right, anyway?
(Max is looking at him from across the aisle --
how thick is blood, compared to seawater?
on the tongue they taste the same --
bitter, Fang maybe dying in her arms --
and although he's her half-brother,
she can't quite forgive him --
not quite)
It's cold and antiseptic, just like home --
Ari keeps his eyes tight shut, as if when he opens them
things will be like they used to --
nothing will have changed.
(engine noise fills the empty air --
there's still space between him and death)
Thanks >.> *feels all dodgy*
I love you Nathan ^.^
Thanks :3
Night :)
Goodnight hon, see you in the future, I hope.
Having a rather awkward conversation..... I want to go to sleep....


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