Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*hops into conversation*
I had surgery on my Achilles Tendons, and it took months of recovery and physical therapy to recover normal leg movement, for as small as they are, they're ridiculously important...

O.O Oh no! I hate it when that happens, like when you bash into something and you don't think you hurt yourself until your black and blue the next day...

Well, that's not bad. Anything been going on here lately, I feel like I haven't been on in a million years (which translates to 5 days...)
XD Exactly.

Not in the least. I'm not sure if you knew Supersour but she left. v.v Other than that, no. It's been worse than dead here.
I do that a lot... *pokes at bruise on leg*

Hmmm, I don't think I knew her, but I knew of her, that's too bad...
Uhgg, I hate how dead it's become, since Fate's busy and Nathans busy and I'm busy, and people are leaving. It sucks...
It seems like pretty much everyone, now, is busy, or on holiday.

hopefully it's just because of school year transitions and the time of year, and it isn't how it's actually gonna be. I'll cry if fandom is like this during the summer. You guys are the one's who got me through a lot last year, I hate to see it gone...
*very late*

Hello Kayte. *hugs* How are you?
*hugs Emily*

Hey! It's been forever! I'm pretty good, busy obviously, but having a good year thus far. You?
Yes. We almost never end up on at the same time...

That's wonderful, well not so much the busyness, but the rest. Yeah, my year's been pretty good so far as well, but I'm still on holidays. However in two weeks I'll be back to school, which will be... less fun.
Yeah, You're on too late for me, and I'm on too early for you. Stupid time zones...

Oh wow, you got a really nice long break *jealous* ours was only two weeks... But that's good, you get to have all the time to chill...
*nods* Very stupid, and very annoying.

Only because it's Summer here, so it's around two months. I'll be very jealous when you're on Summer holidays in June or whatever. But yes, lots of time to chill, although I really should get started on the holiday homework soon...
I was just reminded of how many stupid, selfish, idiots we have on the internet.

i wont donate anything to haiti

they sold their souls to the devil 100 years ago in order to get rid of the french

if i give them money, god may strike me down too

--brabon1, comment on this video.


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