Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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...And I was three.

Same. I didn't use the net much, but.... *has computer nerd family* *helped my dad rebuild our Pentium I when I was four*
*jumping in*

Chrome is freaking amazing. I'm in love with it. *hugs Chrome*
^ This.
Laughing at what can only be described as the only hymn I'll ever enjoy.

This is the closest I've come to going to church in a very long time XD
I only go when I'm at my grandparents' house in Arkansas -- to be polite and all.

The last time I went to church other than that... I ducked into St. Patrick's Cathedral for a few minutes in October, but other than that, I would've been about eleven or so the last time I went to church at home.
Waiting for two banes of my existence to come over. *sigh* Impending doom...
Eating cookies
Listening to Mraz
Reading GO fanfiction ^-^
I /LOVE/ used books. New ones are boring - they are expensive and have no character.
*just bought a copy of Robin Hood and Hamlet from a secondhand store*
I love new books. ^-^

Used books feel so... used. I dislike that.
Used books... they smell nice, sometimes come with useful notes, are cheaper than new...
I like to say that they're well loved. :D
If they're well loved than why were they sold? D:

"I love you, and I'll take care of you and nurture you, but a year from now I'll sell you to a used bookstore at a discount to be taken to a random strangers house. But I love you!"

No. Just... no.


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