Tally told me (several times) that she would kill me if I got banned. The most daring *snort* thing I've ever done is correct the ModGenn's grammar (affect vs effect). The irony is not amusing to me. *drumming fingers*
Oh. Well, yeah I do fail at ToD. But the flock impersonation was just too fun, and I had to impersonate Iggy! It was great, 'cause either everyone wanted to know if they could marry "Iggy" or why I was gay with Total.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on February 3, 2010 at 8:42am
Bah. Facebook Chat is too annoying. I don't like it.. mainly because it doesn't organize my friends alphabetically... I'm not really sure how it does it...
Plus your on when I'm sleeping... or very close to it.
Well, I agree with that, it freezes up my computer, but I use it occasionally. Hmmm, I wish somebody had emailed me, that's one of the only things I actually check daily nowadays... (*cough* this means if someone really needs to get a hold of me, that's the way to do it...)
Well, there is that, I very rarely get home before 7 these days, hopefully that'll slow down soon. I'm just unimaginably busy, trying to look good for teachers and college and whatnot... (Plus, you'd never guess but I actually have almost a functioning social life, somehow I've manged to aquire friends O.O)
Permalink Reply by Xuut on February 3, 2010 at 8:55am
I'll have to lurk your FB to check your email if anything super duper important comes up.
Ah, I see. -Nods- Social lives can be very fun, occasinoally I have one... Although never more than a couple of hours.
I'm trying to impress my teachers (and it's working, for some reason... the apocalypse is soon I can assure you) so that I don't have to take the regular academic courses in HS, I want to get the best possible education available at that terrible school so I can get the heck out of this stupid town. Life is meh, but I'm doing super well in school. :DDD
Whoa sorry, my mom just got home, had to go greet her...
Yeah, I don't know if they're all they're cracked up to be, kind of stressful, but whatever, ya'know?
Well that's good, sort of what I did pre-high school, I had such great grades I got into all the advanced classes, and got all of my science and math credits done really fast. But that's good, take advantage of the free education while you have it, college is so expensive...