Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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:D You're stuck in the same state as one of my grandmas!

I'm in Pennsylvania. :3 Very much fun.
Oh good god.

Tomorrow I have to go do some winter survival crap, build a shelter and fire. I'm going to die. O.o

I'm probably going to be eaten by the coyotes or bears or... something equally as fearsome.

No one else in my family had to do this stuff. -Mutters- Stupid teachers.

Also, Ni if I die on your birthday I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
O.O No! Dying isn't an option! You're not allowed. >:| *takes away your ability to die*

Also, that's very stupid. Shouldn't it be optional to do stuff like that? Honestly.
Well this might be a problem later on in life when I become a vegetable.

The only proper reasons:

You have some allergy that doesn't permit you. Like there's a girl in my school who is allergic to the cold. I kid you not. She can't go.

You're sick.

Otherwise, pack your bags, we're going camping!
Just a tad...I'll give it back later. >.>

o.o She's the cold. And she Canada.

Wow. Will wonders never cease?

That bloody sucks though! D: I'd pretend I was sick with a bad stomach ache or something. I love camping, but... nyeh!
No, the entire class. At least.

Watch me gets lost and nearly freeze to death, or like my last outdoor school field trip, fall in the puddle of mud!
Oh, good. That would really suck otherwise.

You're lucky you even have outdoor ed. >.>
O.o Alone... I wouldn't last. I don't even know how to use a compass... I failed that class.

It's not outdoor ed, it's just a random field trip that we have to teach us how to properly make fires and shelters in case we ever got lost... The last trip was in fourth grade... back when school was fun. >.>
Neither would I. XD

That's still cool. At least it's with your friends and people you like I hope :\.

Ah, elementary school was a party. XD
Yeah I have a couple of friends... although half my class is consistent of idiots, and the other of relatively smart people. I'll become amused if the idiots start smacking each other with sticks.

Only before I moved, after was terrible. I had the worst possible teacher ever.
Haha. XD

I got so incredibly lucky with all of my teachers in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. Loved all of them. :D

How far did you move, if you don't mind my asking?


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