Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Listening to Train
Chewing spearmint gum
Trying to focus on homework
Trying to convince my mom that I'm focusing on homework
Posting around on TTS
Wishing it wasn't snowing
Hoping, as long as it is snowing, that it continues to snow so we actually have a decent amount instead of one of those annoying frostings
Awesome. You got snow :)

Anything happening on TTS?

EDIT* The Anti thread still there on TTS?
Nope, not really.

Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
Ah, I see.

I dunno. *shrugs* Just wonderin'
Train = <3
Train = my second favorite artist. <3

Only behind JMraz. :D
Admittedly, right now I'm pretty much praying to the snow gods that we'll have a delay tomorrow.
Good to know I'm not the only one. But our Superintendent wants us all dead, so I have my doubts about delays or anything of the sort.
Our district hardly ever delays. >:|
Yeah... I can still hope, though :D
Do you have much snow?

XD I think I spend more time/effort trying to convince others I'm doing hw to stay on the computer, than actually doing my hw. . .
Not at all. I can still see the streets.

Me too. >.> XD


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