Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*gasps* a whole day?!
What, missing someone means you're in love with them now?

You're making it sound so much worse than it is. XD
Sure, why not? You know what I meant, though. XD

'Tis practically my job to do that. XD
Besides, you were the one who said it. . . .and I'm not even taking things out of context this time. XD
*rolls eyes*

*wishes I had something to protest with*
But you actually didn't take anything out of context this time. >.> Dammit.
No, no, no, no... *objects*
You have no point to argue. *wins*
I do too.

I'll get back to you on what it is when I think of it.

Don't redo it. 'Tis better than anything I could draw.

Even though the sky is messy, I've handed in worse things, and still passed. You should see some of the shit I've gotten As on.

But then again, my school doesn't have very high expectations.
Nahh. It looks fiiiine.

Just checking, but you realize your full name is here, right?
I quite like it actually...


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