Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Where was this?

There are PAGES on this thread.

Also, End: If you don't mind, I have a question, comment, something, I just don't know how to phrase it exactly...
Just state it, and I'll give an answer, comment, or rebuttal as necessary.
Alright, here.

These people like you, they listen to you, and they completely worship you. All the newer antis, sanes and elves santis think you walk on water.

They also throw around your name like it makes them automatic oldies.

- We know you, we like you, don't get us wrong, however, we don't like all of your followers -- some of them sure, but not all of them. They use your name like it makes them invincible.
- They keep comparing you to Nathan. You're both wonderful people, you're both figureheads on MX and command respect, but you're different people. It's bothersome, and I know that I'm not the only one who feels this way.
- And mostly, back at my first point, you're the only person on MX with the ability to set these people straight... I'm not sure exactly what I'm saying, here, but they're abusing and name-dropping for power.
I understand completely what you're saying, you're unhappy with my name being used as a cudgel. Sometimes I wonder if Stalin felt the same way.

I find it a bit discomforting as well, Nathan and I put out a joint statement both here and there a while back, and yet it's gone unheeded.

*sigh* I don't want to make a whole thread on the matter if I can help it, but I agree that your concerns are worth the trouble. since it seems like the current big fight is over, I'll type up a political statement so that I have something to post the next time it happens.

My apologies for the inconvenience...everything seems to be a work in progress.
Yeah, I remember that. Everyone worshiped Nathan, but your army is even more intense and with... less, if any, reason. Nathan's Army was for a purpose. They just throw your name around because it makes them feel special.

Thank you. Really. Thank you for bothering with this, I know I'm not the only one who appreciates this.

Don't apologize. It's not your fault. But thank you for doing something about it nonetheless.
*is reading through thread*
This is really bizarre, and not the first time it happened either. I'm actually showing it to my younger brother and between the two of us we find the whole thing really wacky.
Wacky is correct.

It bothers me, too, that the site has gone down in quality since its creation-but there are good things about it, too. It annoys me that some of the older members can't get along with teh newer ones.

The name-dropping isn't right at all, whether you're talking about EOTE or Nathan (who are their own separate people and shouldn't be compared, yes).
Meh, I, in a sense agree with Supersour and Ranting. . .and the others.

The site has good and bad, it'd be nice if it was reformed in a sense to highlight the good and fix the bad.

I don't see it as an older vs. younger thing, thought you, too, have been playing that seniority card.

Plus, they weren't referring to the name dropping with the old antis using Nathan vs, the new ones using EndOf, more the fact that the names have nothing to do with the opinion of the books, and that the newer ones use both of them to gain status.

I see where you're getting the new vs. old, but. . . I don't think that's the intention. I don't think Ranting or Supersour'd really be for that. . .and I trust their judgement.
I am no longer sure if my feet are attached to my body. :3 And I still love the snowing.
I think I'll just go upstairs and play Puzzle Pirates for a while. >.>


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