Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Horribly annoying and amusing. Great if you can use that to your advantage, though. ..
Nah. Well, most the time there's no way to use it to your advantage. >.>
Oh yes there is.

What happened?

Btw, I spent 2hrs on your bloody email, it's got to be near 5 pages, and I didn't even get to 1.5 of what I wanted to. . .plus it's very vague. . . .
I slept for an hour last night.

Because I was making up work from my trip.
But none of my teachers would even /consider/ collecting it today.

Fuck you, thank you very much.
*offers tea* Damn that sucks.
Irritatedly slogging my way through an apology letter.

Even though what I want to do right now is still either curl up and watch Titanic with a box of tissues or go to bed and sleep for a while.
O.O I don't know if that's the idea ...

I suggest sleep. Or if you can, fall asleep watching Titanic. :D
It's one my mother is demanding of me since I won't be enrolling at this tiny school this year :\

I would opt for "fall asleep with Titanic" [and, optimally, a huge mug of tea], but we don't actually have that movie on DVD.
Had you promised to go there or something?

Library/rental close by? Come to think of it, I've never actually seen that movie on DVD.
They're a tiny school, see. And I interviewed there and everything, which is apparently one step short of a promise.

And she's breathing down the back of my neck to finish it -- which is a bit problematic given I never even got formal training in how to write letters and not sound douchetastical.

Library's pretty close, but they're either closed or will be soon. I'm just gonna put it on hold, I guess.


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