Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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After they had the baby I stopped watching the show.

Really now.
*stopped watching around the same time*.

Weird show. Brainwashing the children of the world.
I used to watch it as a kid.

I honestly thought when I turned ten I'd get some God Parents of my own,

In the same year I realized I wasn't going to go to Hogwarts.

I was sad.
I watched it when I was younger, as well.

Ten was a tough year.

Eleven was even tougher.

"Wait, Dad... where's my Hogwarts letter?"

"Yer a Muggle, [RL name]."
Mine was more, "Wait. Leslie (my brother, laugh at his name) and Claudia (my sister) and Wilson (my older cousin) haven't gotten a letter... NOOO!"

My Godparents was more of my brother harshly telling me, "You're never getting Godparents, now get the hell out of my room."

Fifth grade. Really didn't help that I moved that year...
Me and my sister are the oldest in my family, and I just figured that I was a Muggleborn.

I never thought I'd get Godparents, I was more interested in trying to capture my twin's... I always thought she'd have Godparents, for some reason.

I'm still waiting for my letter! Hopefully it just got lost in the mail. :D
Ditto. DX
XD I never expected God Parents.

>.> But I did want a letter from Hogwarts...*wanted to see Fluffy*

I was crushed to learn it wasn't coming.
*never liked Nickelodeon*
*Is 90s-era Kids WB fan*

WB was awesome back then.
They beat the evil robots that stuffed the planet with weapons controlled by the swirling mass of red and black in the sky with a giant yellow smiley face. Then they went to a KISS concert.

I was all "OMG it's EndOf! Aw, c'mon. I'm gonna puke now. Well, at least they went to a cool concert." D:


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