Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I had my iris scanned on the way back from Vegas, which was kinda awesome, but terrifying as well. :P
I don't know what country you're coming from/going back to, but some don't allow foreign foods to be brought along. Wouldn't want an ordeal with customs. You might wanna check that out before smuggling the nuts XD

As for NYC, I've never been, so I have no suggestions. Sorreh.
The UK. I know we're allowed to bring pretty much anything back from the EU that isn't kicking or screaming, but the US might be different. I'll try and find out.
It's an ecohazard thing.
All the countries are worried of another Rabbits in Australia story, with some other planot or animal as a culprit. You don't have this issue UK-EU because it's the same general ecology.

If you don't know about Rabbits in Australia...
All I know from personal experience is we couldn't take food off the cruiseship in Mexico, and couldn't bring any back on, either. We got blessed out for having a banana in the backpack. =/

I figured its a similar thing between all countries. None want the others' cooties.
Trying to find an mp3 that I seem to have lost. Again.
My mom did something that fucked up the computer screen. Whenever I move my mouse, the screen shifts. Including the toolbar, the desktop, etc... It's really annoying. >.<'

Listening to Dispatch
Making pizza :D
1,500 more words and I'll be at globally accepted novel-length!
...and what is that length?
100,000 words.

Some publishers let you get away with less (minimum length, which is only for sci-fis, is 40,000), but all the elitist folks say 100,000 word minimum.
...I need to rethink my life ._. Oh my God, I need to rethink my life.
Care to elaborate?


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